Admissions Online
Apply Now!
To begin the application process, please click the "Create an Account" tab at the top of this page to create an application account. From there, you will be instructed to create a login, password, and verify your email via a message to your email account.
You have the flexibility to log in and out of your application account without losing your data as it will autosave. There will be a green check mark for each section once you have completed all required fields.
3. Request/Submit Required DocumentsPlease be sure that all required documents are uploaded or provided to the main office:
- Birth Certificate
- IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
4. Review and Submit & Pay Application Fee
Once all required fields of the application are complete, you must select "Review & Submit." You will then be instructed to pay the non-refundable application fee of $22.
Still have questions? Click to Request More Information
Sacred Heart School
Heidi Droddy - Elementary Administrative Assistant
Rita DeVille - High School Secretary
Sacred Heart School does not discriminate based on religion, race, sex or national origin. Priority in admission is given to children of Sacred Heart graduates, siblings of students and children of the Catholic religion. However, all applications are considered. Sacred Heart School does not discriminate in the administration of educational policies, of scholarships and of athletic and extra-curricular programs.